lundi 7 février 2011


Al-Battani was an arabe astrologer, astronomer and mathematician. He was born in 855, in Turkey and died in 923, in Syira. He is also called as the "Ptolémée des arabes". His names affirms taht he is Muslim.

He wrote a book called the Kitab az-Zij, which had a great inflluence on European astronomy.
One of his bect known achievment in astronomy was the determination of the solar year as being 365 days, 5hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds. He also discovered the movement of the Sun's opogee. He also calculated the values for the precession of the equinoxes (54.5" per year, or 1° in 66 years) and the inclinaison of the earth axis ( 23° 35')

Unknowing the discovery of an indian astronomer Aryabhata he introduced the use of sinus in calculation and partlyf the tangent which formed the modern trigonometry. He used ideas of Al-Marwazi on tangents ( or "shadows") to develop methods for calcuting tangents and cotangentzs, and he has prepared tables.

He has created many trigonometrical formulkas such as:

He has also solved some equation of trigonomtry:

He solved this equation:

By translating it by the following equation:

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